Micaia in Mozambique
Helping people to prosper.
Micaia in Mozambique
Enabling people to manage and use natural resources in sustainable ways.
Micaia in Mozambique
Enabling people to achieve a decent basic standard of living.
Micaia in Mozambique
Enabling people to invest in their own growth.
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The MIcaia family

Micaia is a ‘family’ of organizations and a social enterprise

Micaia is now recognized nationally and internationally for the effectiveness and pioneering nature of its work.

Micaia Foundation

Operating Foundation

Operating foundation set up in 2009, using donor funding to implement a range of projects.

Eco-Micaia Ltd.

Social Enterprise

Social enterprise set up in 2008 to support economic livelihoods and value chain.

Micaia (UK)

Volunteer-run Charity

UK registered charity set up in 2007 to support the development of Micaia in Mozambique.




What we do and why

Micaia’s mission is to help create the conditions in which Mozambican people can secure their well-being and develop their capabilities to prosper.

How can you help Micaia?

General Donations

Micaia has been successful over the years in raising money from grant makers such as family trusts and foundations, big funders such as the Commonwealth Foundation, and institutional donors such as the EU.

Micaia will continue to seek grants for bigger themed projects, and to do our best to bring hope and opportunity to thousands more people. 

What we also need, alongside the big grants, is the flexible, unrestricted funding that fills gaps in budgets, funds pilot work or research, pays for critical staff training, and helps us respond to emergencies. All donations received via PeoplesFundraising go through Micaia UK and on to Micaia in Mozambique. We thank you for your help!

Chimoio Youth Farm - Quinta Sol

Chimoio is a fast-growing city, but young people struggle to find work. Hundreds of young families subsist on the margins of the city, often going without meals. On 5 hectares of land just outside of the city centre, Micaia is setting up Quinta Sol (‘Sun Farm’) as a farm exclusively for young families. Fifty families each year will have a small plot and the support they need to produce food for sales and consumption. 

It costs just $25 (£20) per month to support each plot. Can you sponsor one plot? All contributions are welcome. Thank you!


Ndzou Camp

Ndzou Camp will always be special for Micaia. It was the first social investment undertaken by Micaia – opening in 2011.

As a business that is majority-owned (60%) by the community, Ndzou broke new ground in Mozambique, and is still one of very few examples of genuine community ownership in the tourism sector.

After 10 years that have included a cyclone, conflict, and Covid-19, the Camp desperately needs investment, starting with its water system. We are trying to raise $10,000 to fund a borehole and new water pump. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks you!

Scholarship Fund

Using a legacy from Célia Diniz, a former Chair of the Board of Micaia Foundation who devoted her life to education, we have established a scholarship fund to offer girls the chance of secondary school education.

The Celia Diniz Scholarship Fund will provide a guarantee for the full costs of 5 years of secondary school, subject to the girls passing the examinations at key stages.

It costs $100/month per girl to cover the costs of boarding school, uniforms, books and support for out of school activities. Please help us give more girls the chance to lead change in their lives, their families, and their communities. Thank you!
